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IoT standard Matter receives its first update

Av Agust Sandberg | Publicerad Aug 17, 2024 16:08
IoT standard Matter receives its first update

The Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized the way we interact with technology and has the potential to change the way we live and work. IoT allows us to connect and communicate with a wide variety of devices, from smart home accessories to industrial systems. A key component to enabling smooth communication between IoT devices is standards. A prominent standard that has gained great recognition within the IoT world is Matter.

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The first update of Matter

Now Matter has reached an important milestone by releasing its first update. This update comes with significant improvements and functionality increases that further strengthen the standard's role within the IoT ecosystem.

Improvements included in Matter 1.1 as a result of feedback from developers should accelerate the transition of existing devices to the standard and the development of new ones.
Matter 1.1 improves support for ICDs, or intermittently connected devices, for various existing devices. These are often battery-powered items, like light and motion sensors that you can attach to walls and use to activate other smart home appliances.

Since ICD devices often go into sleep mode when not in use, they can also be used as door locks. Those kind of products didn't work so well with Matter 1.0. These devices are now less likely to register as offline thanks to adjustments made in Matter 1.1.
There are now 1,135 articles compatible with Matter. This sum is divided among 60 different companies that have joined the CSA and marketed Matters products. The CSA has also opened a new testing laboratory in Portland, Oregon, for companies partnering with Matter.

Overall, the 1.1 upgrade of Matter seems promising. We will be able to see Matter evolve at a rapid pace as more gadgets are added to the list every day.

Matter: A groundbreaking standard for IoT devices

Matter, formerly known as Project CHIP (Connected Home over IP), is a standard for IoT devices being developed by a coalition of leading technology companies, including Apple, Google and Amazon. The aim of Matter is to create a unified and interoperable platform that allows different IoT devices to communicate seamlessly with each other, regardless of which manufacturer they come from. This opens up more choice and simplifies the user experience in IoT.