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Sensibo Integrates ChatGPT and Presents Radio Thermostat

By Agust Sandberg | Published Aug 17, 2024
Aug 17, 2024 11:37
Sensibo Integrates ChatGPT and Presents Radio Thermostat

Sensibo develops technical solutions for smart climate management and air quality. Sensibo will now integrate ChatGPT to be able to automatically generate schedules for your Sensibo based on your previous usage patterns.

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Integration will come to Sensibo's AC controls as well as the new Sensibo Blaze radio thermostat. Sensibo will then provide you with suggestions for schedules developed using ChatGPT. Whether this will produce a better result than your own schedules remains to be seen.

Sensibo Blaze with Matter support

Sensibo thus presents a new product consisting of a radio thermostat with support for the new Matter standard. It should not only be able to regulate your temperature, but is also equipped with a sensor that measures CO2 and TVOC levels and thus keeps track of your air quality.

Sensibo claims that you can lower your energy cost by a cut of 20% if you use these radio thermostats.

Sensibo Blaze is slated to launch in Q4 -23.