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An independent consumer guide to smart homes.

ID Lock 150 VS Glue Smart Door Lock Pro

Not sure which ID Lock 150 and Glue Smart Door Lock Pro you should buy? With this comparison of the two products, we take you through different features and benefits to help you decide which product suits you best. Follow our guide to help you choose the right one!

ID Lock 150


Glue Smart Door Lock Pro

12 months
Battery life
3-6 months
Z-Wave el. ZigBee
Wifi & Bluetooth
SSF 3522 Class 3
Complete lock housing
Lock type
Key Tag

ID Lock 150

Not available in the UK.

The Norwegian lock with a full lock housing is an interesting product that offers many features and possibilities for those who have the time and interest to explore its somewhat complex functionality.

One of the advantages offered by this lock is its ability to handle RFID tags, making it easy to program these for use with the lock. This provides an extra level of convenience and security for users who have multiple RFID tags in their home and want to use them with the lock.

However, it is important to note that this lock may be more geared towards tech-savvy people who appreciate and need the many advanced features it offers. For users unfamiliar with technical details, it can be a challenge to familiarize themselves with the complex functionality of the lock.

In the ever-evolving landscape of locks and security products, this Norwegian lock offers an opportunity for technology enthusiasts to customize and optimize their locking features according to their needs. For those who are tech-savvy and in need of advanced features, this lock may well be the right choice. It provides an opportunity to explore and exploit its potential to the fullest.

Glue Smart Door Lock Pro

Currently, Glue is the only lock on the Swedish market that offers innovative services that facilitate home deliveries of goods, including food. This unique feature makes it an interesting product that addresses a specific need for users who want to make their lives more comfortable.

In terms of functionality, however, it can be considered a relatively simple addition to your existing door lock. While it fulfills its primary task of securing your home, it lacks some of the advanced features that some other smart locks on the market can offer. This means that there is room for improvement and development when it comes to making Glue even more versatile and useful for users.

To allow remote control and monitoring of the lock when you are not at home, a wifi bridge is included. This gives you the ability to have control over your door lock even when you are away, which can increase the security and comfort of your home.

In the ever-expanding landscape of smart locks and security products, Glue is an exciting new entrant with its unique focus on facilitating home deliveries. With proper development and the addition of more smart features, it may well become an even more impressive and useful product in the future. For those who value convenience and wish to optimize their home deliveries, Glue can be an interesting option to explore.