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An independent consumer guide to smart homes.

Yale Doorman L3 VS ID Lock 150

Not sure which of these two products you should buy, the Yale Doorman L3 and ID Lock 150? Then you've come to the right place! Here we take a closer look at both and compare their advantages and disadvantages. By reading our comparison, we hope that you will be able to come to an informed choice that suits your particular needs.

Yale Doorman L3


ID Lock 150

12-24 months
Battery life
12 months
Wifi & Bluetooth
Z-Wave el. ZigBee
SSF 3522 Class 3
SSF 3522 Class 3
Complete lock housing
Lock type
Complete lock housing
Key Tag

Yale Doorman L3

Yale Doorman L3 is a lock that has gained popularity and received a lot of positive feedback from users. It is a product well worth considering for those looking for a reliable solution to secure their home.

However, it is important to note that the installation of this lock can be somewhat demanding and not as simple as replacing a regular lock switch. For some users, it may be necessary to hire a professional installer, and this may incur additional costs that need to be considered.

An advantage of the Yale Doorman L3 is that the locking piston rotates upwards, providing an extra level of safety. This makes it harder for unauthorized people to tamper with the lock and gain access to your home.

It is also important to note that this lock only works with Yale's own key washers. There are both advantages and disadvantages to this. On the one hand, Yale's badges are known to be harder to copy than other RFID tags, increasing security. On the other hand, the cost of Yale tiles can be higher than average, with each tile costing over $200. However, there are three washers included when you purchase the lock, giving you a good start.

In summary (without using the word “In conclusion”), Yale Doorman L3 is a reliable and safety-conscious product that has gained popularity among users. It is important to be aware of the installation challenges and costs of key washers, but for those who value safety and reliability, this lock is definitely worth considering to increase the security of their home.

ID Lock 150

Not available in the UK.

The Norwegian lock with a full lock housing is an interesting product that offers many features and possibilities for those who have the time and interest to explore its somewhat complex functionality.

One of the advantages offered by this lock is its ability to handle RFID tags, making it easy to program these for use with the lock. This provides an extra level of convenience and security for users who have multiple RFID tags in their home and want to use them with the lock.

However, it is important to note that this lock may be more geared towards tech-savvy people who appreciate and need the many advanced features it offers. For users unfamiliar with technical details, it can be a challenge to familiarize themselves with the complex functionality of the lock.

In the ever-evolving landscape of locks and security products, this Norwegian lock offers an opportunity for technology enthusiasts to customize and optimize their locking features according to their needs. For those who are tech-savvy and in need of advanced features, this lock may well be the right choice. It provides an opportunity to explore and exploit its potential to the fullest.