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NEO Coolcam Door/Window Sensor

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Short battery life
Battery life
1 year
Temperature Gauge
Light meter
Sabotage alarm
70 x 20 x 20mm

This compact magnetic sensor from China is available at a very affordable price, making it an affordable option. If you do not have an urgent need for advanced features such as temperature measurement, light measurement (LUX), tamper alarm, or you simply need multiple sensors to cover different areas, this sensor may be the right choice for you.

However, it is important to be aware of one of its limitations, namely the short battery life. This can be a factor to consider, especially if you plan to use several of these sensors in your smart home ecosystem. Battery life can affect how often you need to change your battery and can be a factor to consider when evaluating your need and budget.

In summary, this affordable China-made magnetic sensor is a great option for those who don't require advanced features and want to keep costs down. It can be especially beneficial if you need multiple sensors to cover different areas of your home. That being said, be aware of its limited battery life and plan accordingly to ensure smooth use over time.

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